Monday, June 13, 2016

MAD T.V. Season 3 (2/2) Eyewitness Report From Ms. Swan (1997)

One of my greatest life achievements is a personal achievement, and had been one of my most desired goals in life, that when I die, in a few more thousand years or so, I will not look like a man, but like a woman.

I'm not prepared to leave this world, just yet because I'm not done raising hell, but it is great to have the peace of mind today that I no longer look anything like the man I used to be.

One of my proudest achievements in life is having become a woman, just like Eve came from Adam's rib, Eva came from NoMan Pan.

When people go to my grave some day in the far away future and ask, what I looked like, no one will be able to say, "HE LOOOK LIKE A MAN!"

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