Tuesday, May 10, 2016

I Am What I Am, I Am My Own Special Creation So Please Don't Try To Make Me 'Normal'.

As a transgender individual it's important for me that I speak out on issues that affect the trans community at large, which I feel are important issues that need to brought into the light.
I don't care about making "transgender normal", that would totally go against my grain to be made "normal".
I want to educate people about real and serious issues that affect the trans community, particularly issues that affect trans women such as how cruel people treat us to the point many trans women are brutally assaulted and often viciously murdered in countries around the world.
No one can make me normal because I am my own kind of normal and my state of normalcy can only be determined and decided by me myself and I. I live my own style of normal, I live in my own reality, not anyone else's perceived idea of what is normal and what is real.
I am what I am, I am my own special creation...my own form of perfection and beauty, and no, I do not want to fit into anyone's category or mode of normalcy.
To be made normal? No thanks, I'm OK just the way I am with my perfectly imperfect abnormal self.

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