Sunday, September 4, 2016

Thursday, September 1, 2016

My Interview with Fox 10 News Phoenix Posted In Blog Format on Main Fox News Web Site Fox News Health

My interview was posted, in blog format, to the main Fox News website and the blog was written by a plastic surgeon who warns people of the dangers associated with having mods done such as I have.

They have contacted me and want to talk to me, and I will stand my ground against anyone and I will counter all the negative remarks the surgeon stated, in support for extreme body modifications which he, as a plastic surgeon would not do.

This is my response:

"My ? to him is, given I have had no adverse effects from any of my mods, I can see, perfectly, except for I need reading glasses from pushing sixty, I have had no hearing loss, and my sense of hearing has been heightened, I can breath easily and I have had NO complications from any of my mods.

I want to know why it is OK for him to do face-lifts, tummy tucks, breast augmentation and all the other types of procedures he does, which are also body modifications, and me having my ears removed and my nose reshaped is so wrong?

We live in a society that thrives on double-standards.

If someone can get a stomach band to help them lose weight, which I believe can be a dangerous procedure as well as heart transplants which can be a dangerous procedure, etc. etc. etc., then why is it so bad for me to have had my ears removed if I am not having any problems?

Like Daniel Tosh said when I made a guest appearance on Tosh.O...DOUBLE STANDARD!!!

Maybe the medical industry should pull their head out and start doing the kinds of procedures that we see today in the mod world, they wouldn't have anything to complain about!


Also, I never said that I "pretended" that the rattlesnake was my parents. Until this plastic surgeon can open his eyes and his mind to actually understand what I said in my interview, he has no business even speaking on my story."

Fox News Health - The Dragon Lady

Modified Perceptions (MOD Squad - Modify II Street Team) V1

People ask me.

"Who is the modified community?"

Please have a look at some of the faces of MOD World/MOD Squad - Modify II Street Team, and give our videos a like and sub, and share our videos with your family and friends.

Much love to everyone, from Oblivion!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Preview of Tosh.O on Comedy Central Tiamat the Dragon

Tomorrow night on Comedy Central, my guest appearance with Daniel Tosh on Tosh.O.
I have a photo I was going to share with this post, but I decided to hold off until after the show tomorrow night since I am wearing the dress I did the interview and skit in and I don't want to ruin one second of it for you all.
Just a friendly reminder to please take to heart that this is a comedy show and the entire interview was designed for getting a few laughs at me, and I gave them the feed they used to create the entire episode from, so go on ahead, grab your popcorn, let your hair down sit back and enjoy the show.
Daniel was such an awesome host and he was told by the producer that I am an animal lover so he had his two dogs brought in to the studio to meet me when we were done filming, and one of them just could not stop giving me puppy kisses. <3
I do not have cable at home so I hope you all enjoy the show. :)
Annnnd here's the preview. :)

Friday, June 24, 2016

NoMan Pan Lotus Suspension - Dallas Suscon 2002 with CoRE (Contstructs o...

Blast from the past.

My second ever suspension as NoMan Pan.

Lotus Suspension, Dallas Suscon 2002 with CoRE Constructs of Ritual Evolution from back in the earlier days of modern day flesh suspensions.

I love these hookers.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

I Am Woman - Helen Reddy (with lyrics)

This has been and continues to be a very busy and exciting year, with two interviews done and two more to go, one in July (source unnamed) and one in September for a global outlet that specializes in trans stories.
I've been preparing for this for the four years I have been living as a woman, and we're getting to the final stages of sorting things out, but, it's such an honor and privilege to be able to tell my story as a trans woman to the world, sharing my journey, and talk about my M2F transition.
This Fall interview is very important to me and I am pleased to have been connected through the mysterious workings of the universe to the person whom I will be doing this Barbara Walters style interview with whom is also a M2F transgender individual herself so it will be fun.